These Guys Made A ‘Saucebot’ For Their Bunnings Sausage Sizzle

Saucebot Bunnings

As if your weekend sausage sizzle couldn't get any better, this innovative bunch of dead-set Aussie heroes went and made a sauce dispensing robot.

Forget the debate about onions on the top or bottom. The question is now: ketchup, mustard, or both?

Melbourne's Connected Community Hackerspace (CCHS) said the idea for their 'Saucebot' came after customers at its regular BBQ fundraisers joked about using robots.

As an enthusiastic community-operated workshop that builds gadgets for fun, the collective of technology-loving members took this on as a challenge.

"It took about a month of casual pottering to get the project from joke to condiment spewing machine of doom," CCHS President Shane Rogers said.

Three CCHS members -- Adric, Andrew, and Lachlan -- created the Saucebot using a repurposed 3D printer, a couple of pumps designed from scratch and made on a laser cutter, some oversized switches, and code written by one of the members.

Is anyone else hangry? Image: Instagram

Is anyone else hangry? Image: Instagram

Since its debut 11 months ago, Saucebot has received nothing but praise.

"Everybody seems to love it, even if they don't always get how it's supposed to be used.”

“There have been a few mutters about robot overlords taking over the world and rather more inquiries about an onion dispenser," Rogers said.

"For our part, we are learning from how it is used and refining such elements as we can, and we are thinking about the onion problem."


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